Services | Mechanical and Electrical

Perth Carriage Wash Installation

Design and build project to provide a new enclosed carriage wash facility including pollution containment for the wash water run off.


Project Description

  • New building to house new carriage wash
  • New carriage wash plant room
  • Installation of troughing and walking routes
  • Installation of TrackPans
  • New drainage connections



Cairn Cross Civil Engineering 2021 | 1 Cadman Court, Leeds, LS27 0RX | Company Registration No. 03110217 | Company VAT No. 566 4194 17

Perth Carriage Wash Installation

Design and build project to provide a new enclosed carriage wash facility including pollution containment for the wash water run off.

Project Description

  • The design was developed and submitted for landlord consent
  • CET modules and pipework was installed on roads 1 and 2 via service troughing and high level pipework connected to the existing adjacent fencing. This also incorporated tanking water distributed along the fence line and trace heated and lagged, the pipe work was then taken across onto the footpath by UTX and tanking points
  • CET pump room; reinforced concrete slab with a GRP kiosk to house pumps and associate CET equipment
  • The connection of a mains water supply to the existing outbuildings.
  • Service channels were cast into concrete to enable the distribution of walkway lighting cables. These were designed to give maximum light on a confined walkway
  • A concrete troughing route was cast into the path for the installation of the lighting bollards, using energy efficient LED bulbs
  • Replacement of life expired wooden sleepers for concrete sleepers to provide a great life expectancy of the permanent way
  • 300lm of walkway were constructed